Visit the Beautiful Forest school site.
If you are curious as to where all this fun learning is going to take place, come and have a look this SUNDAY the 18TH SEPTEMBER when the owners of the land 'Vallis Veg' are holding an open day. We'll be there too, so you can meet us and we can answer any of your questions and even enroll your offspring.
Join us round the campfire from 3pm:
Directions: walk down footpath from Ley Vale Estate/Wallington Way on Radstock side of town towards Vallis Vale. Vallis veg is the second field you come to, through the kssing gate by the hawthorn hedge, old horsechestnut tree and newly planted trees. Turn right through the new trees, past the allotments and down the hill where, all being well, you will see the polytunnels and market garden.